
Happy Eid Mubarak 1433 H

ga update pas bulan Ramadhan
mohon dimaafkan ya

Happy Eid Mubarak :)

s a l a m

Hubby's Birthday

Sebenarnya ulang tahunnya bulan Juni
hihihi males update banget :p

as he requested, kuenya pengen durian pake lilin
aya-aya wae
abis itu dia pusing-pusing deh kolesterol 
hahaha :))

love you ayah :-*

My Burpday

I'm not old. I'm just sweet 17 years old with 10 years experience :p

rainbow cake abal-abal :))

jam 00:00 dikirim cinta via LINE chat ;))

just celebrate my birthday at Domino's pizza
just both of us 
me and hubby